Chamberlin Group Receives Esteemed Certified Financial Fiduciary Certification


Contact: National Association of Certified Financial Fiduciaries™
8514 McAlpine Park Dr. Charlotte, NC 28211
(704)930-0032 • •
Don Chamberlin, Jr., Jeremy Reiland, Don Chamberlin, III and Pat May of the Chamberlin Group Earn Certified Financial Fiduciary® (CFF) Designation
St. Louis, MO – Monday, February 11, 2019 Don Chamberlin, Jr., Jeremy Reiland, Don Chamberlin, III and Pat May from The Chamberlin Group in St. Louis, Missouri, have earned the Certified Financial Fiduciary® (CFF) designation. They join a growing group of financial professionals who have earned the Certified Financial Fiduciary® designation and can immediately and clearly demonstrate how they practice a fundamental obligation to always put their clients best interest first.
CFF is a professional designation for financial professionals, namely, those who have successfully completed a rigorous certification and training process established by NACFF and The American Financial Education Alliance (AFEA), and who agree to uphold the highest moral, ethical and fiduciary standards of service when providing advice to potential or existing clients.
The National Association of Certified Financial Fiduciaries (NACFF) was created to provide all the information, tools, and resources needed for financial professionals to ensure they are compliant with fiduciary standards. They have taken it a step further by providing a comprehensive fiduciary training program and certification process that will further establish qualified financial professionals as a Certified Financial Fiduciary® (CFF).
To become a Certified Financial Fiduciary®, Don Chamberlin, Jr., Jeremy Reiland, Don Chamberlin, III and Pat May from the Chamberlin Group in St. Louis, Missouri met the following requirements:
- Exemplified the highest standards of morals, ethics, and fiduciary standards of service
- Successfully completed a rigorous training and certification process
- Passed a certification exam with a score of 75% or better
- Passed a full background check and is in good standing with all state and federal license requirements
- Business office was reviewed for best practices and compliance
- Completed and submitted the signed CFF Application for Certification.
- Agreed to the NACFF terms of awarding and maintaining certification
- Agreed to abide by and uphold the CFF Code of Conduct
The CFF course is offered in various states across the US. The exam includes multiple-choice questions on subject areas including identifying what a fiduciary is, understanding the different types of fiduciaries, what triggers fiduciary responsibility, the best interest standard, the SEC Best Interest Regulation proposal, the NACFF code of conduct and fiduciary pledge of Good Faith, Care, and Loyalty to our Client’s Best Interest.”
For more information about National Association of Certified Financial Fiduciaries™ and to register online, visit or email

“All fiduciaries are not the same. CFF is the standard of Excellence”